Why You Are Always Feeling Hungry

Why you are always feeling hungry 4You think you’re eating enough, but no matter what you ingest, you always seem to develop over the top cravings. And you don’t have an obvious reason for the increased hunger, such as pregnancy or tougher workouts. Hunger is pretty complicated, and is influenced by biological and psychological factors. To help you out in figuring why you are always hungry all the time, we have listed a few things that might be happening to your body.


  • Sometimes when you are dehydrated, you mistake the thirst for hunger. One must drink at least 8 glasses of water on average. If this is the case, it is recommended that you drink a glass of water and then wait 20 minutes to see if the hunger diminishes. If you are still hungry, then eat something. The reason why most of the time you can’t differentiate between thirst and hunger is because your hypothalamus, which regulates hunger and thirst, sometimes mixes up its signals. Just sipping on H2O is the solution to quelling your hunger pangs. Ultimately, it might play a big part in weight loss, if that is part or your goals.
  • You don’t have a proper sleep routine. Sleep deprivation can increase levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite.
  • An increase in stress levels can stimulate hunger pangs. Practice yoga or get involved in any other activity that helps you relax.
  • You have a fast metabolism. The faster your metabolism, the more energy you need, and hence the faster you get hungry.
  • Why you are always feeling hungry 2You are eating refined foods. Constantly powering yourself with nutritionally-deficient refined carbs can easily lead to feeling hungry sooner after devouring that bag of French fries. Since these foods lack the satiating fiber of their original form, simple and refined carbs burn up quickly in your body, which spikes your blood sugar and then causes it to crash. This leaves you feeling more hungry than you were before you ate leading to more cravings. Check out the Mediterranean diet, which might be a better alternative. 
  • Are you skipping meals? Skipping meals can be a reason for your never-ending hunger. When you don’t eat, your body can deplete its blood glucose stores, which promotes an increase in the hunger hormone ghrelin, and a result increasing your appetite. Try not to let more than 4 or 5 hours go by in between meals. Also, it is advisable to eat something within 45 minutes of waking up.
  • Eating too fast is another reason for your hunger pangs. To curb this, try slowing down your chewing and bites because your brain needs at least twenty to twenty five minutes to register that you are full.
  • Feeling hungry too fast? You probably have a low protein intake. Foods like Greek yogurt, eggs, and lean meats will keep you fuller for longer.
  • To avoid this hunger you are feeling all the time, you might need to add more unsaturated fats to your diet. Unsaturated fat, found in nuts and avocados, is linked to feelings of satiety.
  • If you monitor your food intake. Don’t eat according to calories but according to nutrients.