How You Can Stay Healthy After the Eid Celebrations

How You Can Stay Healthy After the Eid Celebrations

How You Can Stay Healthy After the Eid Celebrations

Eid celebrations are just around the corner and after fasting for one month; many people are bound to crave indulgent foods. However, it is important to exercise some control and not splurge too much. Banin Shahine – the resident nutrition expert at Fitness First, has provided insightful advice and tips on how best to overcome any cravings and have healthy and happy Eid celebrations.

How You Can Stay Healthy After the Eid Celebrations
Banin Shahine – Resident Nutrition Expert at Fitness First

After the Fasting to Eid Celebrations

Come back to your routine Gradually

Going back to Pre-Ramadan habits might be a big shock for your body. A very common mistake people make during Eid is that they tend to eat more than they used to before Ramadan.

Start with a Healthy Breakfast

The amount of food and calorific intake should stay less in the first few days after Ramadan, but healthy habits should stay the same, such as eating breakfast every day. It will help you to control your food during the day, boost your energy, and control your appetite.

Eat Frequently, and Smaller Amounts

Eating small amounts of healthy foods throughout the day sends a signal to your brain that the food supply is plentiful, so it’s okay to burn those calories quickly. Limiting your calorie load at a single sitting also gives you lots of energy. Eating too many calories in one meal—even if they’re healthy calories—sends your brain the message that leaner times must be around the corner, so those calories will get stored as fat. Eating too much in one sitting can also make you sluggish and sleepy.

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Eat Plenty of Protein

Eating the right amount of complete proteins for your weight and activity level stabilizes blood sugar (preventing energy lags), enhances concentration, and keeps you lean and strong. A complete protein is any animal and dairy product or a grain plus a legume especially when you feel you need a good meal that supports your body and helps you feel fuller for a longer time.

Avoid too much Caffeine

During our Eid Celebrations gathering, we are offered a lot of Tea and coffee, which leads to too much caffeine, in turn increasing stress levels in the body, and disturbing your sleep.

Limit Eid Sweets

Avoid eating too many high sugar and high-fat sweets, as it can increase your insulin levels where you will feel tired and sleepy, and can increase your weight rapidly. Try to limit Eid sweets and substitute them with fresh or dried fruits.

Pre-Prep is a key

Often when you’re busy with your friends and family, you do not have access to food at regular intervals. Or worse, you tend to skip meals so you can have that sweet fatty traditional Eid sweet. The problem is, the body will stay in the starvation mood as it was during Ramadan and will not boost your metabolism. To keep your mind and body humming, pack healthy snacks and share them with your family and friends. Examples are almonds, raw vegetables and hummus, yogurt and berries, fresh and dried fruit, and hard-boiled eggs.

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Drink Lots of Water

Yes, water is a food. The body needs water for virtually all of its functions. Drinking plenty of water will flush your body of toxins, keep your skin fresh, and help you eat less. It will also help you avoid travel lag, symptoms of overexposure to the heat or sun, and junk-food cravings. Believe it or not, many of the unhealthy cravings we experience after Ramadan will be satisfied with a refreshing drink of pure water, and not unhealthy foods during Eid celebrations.