Fighting Abdominal Obesity with ReduStim

ReduStim technique is a new technology that uses BioMagnetic field cell activation to stimulate fat reduction

 Redustim 6What it is…

The ReduStim is a device that uses BioMagnetic field cell activation technique, a safe method to mobilize fat, especially the abdominal resistant kind. It delivers significant lasting results, has no metabolic constraints and respects the natural biological processes of the human body.

What the  device does…

The Cosmosoft BioMagnetic fields reduce body mass by stimulating the biological mechanisms of Lipolysis. With a frequency of around 50 Hz, they are at the low end of the electromagnetic spectrum and correspond to weak induced currents that are totally harmless for the skin and the body.



Why it is needed…

weightloss2A combination of healthy eating and regular exercise along with medical technology (in this case ReduStim) offer more efficient solutions to abdominal obesity and its associated risks.   Abdominal fat, as shown by numerous researches, is the worst form of fat deposit in the human body. Fat located around the organs, known as Visceral fat, is also considered more dangerous compared to subcutaneous fat – which is abdominal fat found beneath the skin.

And although BMI is a somewhat reliable metric of total body fat, it still does not show how fat is distributed throughout the body. An excessive abdominal circumference is however a clear indicator of most probably high levels of fat deposits on the waist area. This is why ReduStim medical device is needed.

Points to Remember…

Abdominal-ObesityAccording to Dr Afra bin Katta from the Dubai Health Authority (DHA), the menacing levels of obesity in Gulf States, pose a complex healthcare challenge for the region and dieting and regular exercise can aid in fat reduction. “Nevertheless, food consistency associated with regular exercise will give visible and significant results only if it is accompanied by medically safe technology that can further stimulate fat reduction.”

Abdominal Obesity Awareness…

The awareness on ReduStim medical device solution was highlighted during the 1st Meeting on ‘Abdominal Obesity – the risk factors’ organized by the Cosmosoft Group, which was held in Dubai, UAE

The meeting was attended by over 100 specialists, including endocrinologists, cardiologists, gynecologists and urologists from various hospitals in the Gulf region, in addition to general physicians, aesthetic physicians and nutritionists.